The Olive Trees in Cyprus

Cyprus is a Mediterranean island country known for its rich cultural history and its production of high-quality olive oil. Growing the olive trees along with the production of olive oil, have been part of the Cypriot traditions since ancient times. Τhe archaeological discoveries prove that the olive trees were introduced to Cyprus in the Neolithic era, between 7000 and 3000 BC. During that era, peple used the fruits of the wild olive tree as a food. Nevertheless, Cypriots turned the wild olive trees into trees that could be cultivated during the Bronze Age, 1600 to 1100 BC.
In fact, olive trees can live for ages. On the island, some exist since the Frankish period between 12th and 15th centuries, the so-called ‘Franco’ olive trees. Those ones are very unique, they have thick trunks with big hollows and cracks, contributing to Cypriot olericulture and society. Indeed, it is a plant that has fascinated people throughout history.
A tree of spiritual value
In Cyprus, olive trees are considered sacred and possess a deep spiritual and cultural value on the island. The olive tree’s sacred status is thought to be based on a folk legend about Jesus Christ which is still told in Cyprus. It was believed that the olive tree attempted to hide Jesus in its branches from pursuers. In doing so it was blessed and when the ordeal came to end, the olive tree was bestowed with longevity.

A blessed place
Being blessed with the Mediterranean climate and fertile lands nurtured by sun and sea, Cyprus is ideal for the growing of olives. Unquestionably, the Cypriot olive oil is of the highest quality and of exquisite aroma, rich and pleasant taste. The island has a Mediterranean climate that is well-suited to olive trees. Olive oil, the liquid gold as the Greek poet Homer said, is a miraculous sourse of nutrients and is used in the most popular traditional Cypriot dishes.
Cypriot olive oil is of the highest quality and of exquisite aroma, rich and pleasant taste. Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate that is well-suited to olive trees. ‘Olive oil, the liquid gold’ as the Greek poet Homer said, it is a miraculous sourse of nutrients and is used in the most popular traditional Cypriot dishes. Moreover, Mediterranean diet is proved to be one of the healthiest diets in the world, with olive oil being one of its basic and representative ingredients.
The Farmers’ Zelos
They say that farmers who cultivate olive trees they have a special bond with them. They feel them. They take care of them with great energy, with great zeal. The farmers’ ‘Zelos’. Undoubtedly, this is the basic and irreplaceable element of having a top quality of olives and olive oil. It is the people, their caring and the love for their trees. It is their zeal, their ‘Zelos’ to grow and nurture the trees and take the best out of them.